Author Bio
Dan is an author of Science Fiction and Fantasy. His interest can be traced back to his mother who read him his first book, Sword of Shannara, by Terry Brooks. he went on to enjoy authors like Tolkien, Azimov, Jordan and Goodkind. Dan had thought about writing many times throughout his life, with some feeble attempts as a teenager, but life always seemed to get in the way. The desire to write always endured, and was stoked into a bright flame one day when he was working as a photographer in an Old Time Photo studio and Terry Brooks walked in! Dan didn't recognize him, because the only picture he had seen of him was from the back of a book from 1977. (He looked a bit different twenty something years later.) Mr. Brooks asked him loads of questions, like what he wanted to do with his life. Questions that got him thinking. Dan just happened to have a stack of Mr. Brooks' books laying in sight, and he offered to send him the ones he didn't have, if he would give him his address. By this time Dan was thinking, "no way am I giving this guy my address." Needless to say, things got weird from there. Dan didn't realize who he was until his wife paid with his credit card. If by some miracle, Mr. Brooks ever reads this, Dan would like to say, "I apologize for being so dim-witted, and thanks for making me think I could be an author someday."